A township in the United States refers to a small geographic area, ranging in size from 6 to 54 square miles with a 36 square miles being the norm. Indiana has 92 counties with a little over 1,000 townships. Monroe County is divided into 11 townships. Township government is a local unit of government. It is a geographic and political subdivision of a county. Richland Township covers an area of 35.44 square miles which includes the town of Ellettsville and the west edge City of Bloomington. A township Trustee may not provide long-term support but may be able to provide immediate relief to residents if an unavoidable situation occurs. A township Trustee works directly with residents to provide limited relief when they have an unexpected difficulty with their basic needs; such as food, shelter, and utilities.
Richland Township Park is a community park, athletic facility, and walking path that offers a large shelter house, basketball courts, baseball fields and many other accommodations for the community. The Richland Township Trustee leases the large shelter house and basketball courts to the Ellettsville Parks Department. The baseball fields are leased to (RBBYS) during the baseball season. Richland Township also leases the white building at 102 South Park Street to the town of Ellettsville Street Department. Richland township Park is leased every September to host the annual Monroe County Fall Festival. Recently the Trustee has upgraded the baseball concession buildings by upgrading the electrical service, adding new roofs, new ceilings, LED lighting, and new painting. On the yellow field the baseball dugouts have been upgraded with new paint. Concrete pads were installed for the spectator benches. On the blue field several feet of new fencing has been replaced in addition to adding to installing a new ground drain for runoff water and installed gutters for the dugout roof. The Trustee partnered with Boy Scout Troop 148 to upgrade the basketball courts with new backboards, new rims, fresh paint and ground markings. In 2017 Richland Township partnered with Monroe County Soil and Water District along with Eco Logic, LLC to restore the eroded stream bank on the east side of the baseball field area. In 2018 Richland Township Trustee raised the old defunct Turtle Back Swimming Pool on Chester Drive and constructed a parking area for the community. The parking lot provides additional off street parking for the community attending sports activities and the Monroe County Fall Festival. We continue to make improvements.

Richland Township Trustee
The Township Trustee is an elected official who serves a term of four years and administrates the township on behalf of the taxpayers by providing certain services to their residents. Martin Stephens is the current Richland Township Trustee, as of January 1, 2011.
Township Trustees have certain specific duties to perform. Some of the most important and frequently performed duties are: to administer Township Assistance, provide Fire and Ambulance Services to the Township, maintain abandoned cemeteries, maintain township parks, destroy detrimental plants in residential areas, and act as a Notary Public.

Bobbie Summers
Township Assistance Coordinator
Bobbie was born in North Carolina. She has worked with families for 50 years and has worked as the case manager for the Township for a period of over 5 years.

Carman Arteaga
Carman was born in Danville, Indiana. She has lived in Ellettsville for five years and is a mother of four children. Carmen loves hiking to new places, working out and coffee. She has worked for the Township for over six years.

Morgan Whaley
Morgan was born in Bloomington, Indiana. Monroe County has been her home for 22 years, and started working for the Township July 2024.

Samantha Majors
Office Manager
Samantha is from Spencer, Indiana. She enjoys being with her fur babies and her fiancé. Sam started working for the Township in May 2024.
Are you a resident?
To be eligible for assistance, you must be a resident of our township. Check the map, or enter your address in the link below to see which township you belong to. You may also contact our office at 812-876-2000 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.